Ross Imaging Center is the image core for the Hopkins Conte Digestive Diseases Basic and Translational Research Core Center (http://jhugicc.org) is an NIH/NIDDK funded, institutionally supported center that has as its mission, to make gastrointestinal studies at Hopkins as outstanding as possible, by encouraging helping develop interactions between Hopkins basic and translational investigators. P30 Center grant P.I. Prof. Mark Donowitz.

Ross Imaging Center = Core B: Imaging (http://jhugicc.org/cores/core-b-imaging)


Ross Fluorescence Imaging Center core is dedicated to providing state-of-art light microscopy technology to the members of the Hopkins Basic Research Digestive Disease Development Center and to the general Hopkins scientific community.

Image core director Prof. Bin Wu, manager George McNamara, PhD.


Covid-19 pandemic precautions

September 14, 2022: JHU SOM In nonclinical buildings: As of Thursday, Sept. 15, masks are recommended but no longer required for JHM personnel working in nonclinical buildings where there is NO reasonable expectation of an encounter with a patient. 

   Ross Image Core policy - Sept 14, 2022: mask is optional for FULLY VACCINATED users -- as up to date covid=19 vaccines, boosters, new version(s) -- original+Onicron bivalent mRNA vaccines just came out. If you are not fully vaccinated, please wear a mask in (and near) the image core -- or arrange for a fully vaccinated colleague to do your imaging.  If you do wear a mask, please wear it correctly. 

  Please continue to social distance as much as practical, that is one user per microscope station preferred, two ok, more is probably a bad idea. 

old info - Covid-19 news Thursday July 29, 2021 (from today's JHMI email): (As of) Sept. 1, 2021 All Johns Hopkins Medicine personnel must be fully vaccinated* or receive an approved exception. Personnel should have received the first dose of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine by mid-July, and should receive the second dose, or a single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, by mid-August to meet this deadline. Please remember that this requirement applies to all school of medicine faculty members, residents, clinical fellows, postdoctoral research fellows, medical students, graduate students and staff members. ... GM note: same wrt vendors and other visitors to research spaces. 

even older info -  Coronavirus news: Monday June 15, 2020 we re-opened as part of JHU-Research's covid-19 phase 1 re-opening. All users must read and follow our policies:  



June 22, 2020 Pricing information is at http://confocal.jhu.edu/facility-usage-fees

More news (and some tips) at http://confocal.jhu.edu/image-core-news


All reservations through iLab

ACCM Leica SP8 confocal microscope iLab

Ross Imaging Center iLab (information at top, links to instruments below)

More details at Current Equipment page.

Hopkins Equipment

MetaMorph Key 1 (#34135)

MetaMorph Key 1 is license #34135. Ross 9th floor users: If your preferred Windows PC does not have this license installed,...

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MetaMorph Key 3 (#34334)

MetaMorph Key 3 is license #34334. Ross 9th floor users: If your preferred Windows PC does not have this license installed,...

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. Leica SP8 confocal microscope

The Leica SP8 confocal microscope is on a Leica DMi8 inverted microscope stand (DMi8CEL).  * open access to JHU (and...

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MetaMorph Key 2 (#4646) (AxioImager Upright license)

July-August 2017: we are considering transitioning to keep this license to be kepy full time on the Zeiss AxioImager /...

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Olympus FV1000MP Multiphoton Excitation Fluorescence...

Olympus FV1000MP Multiphoton Excitation Fluorescence Microscope (MPEF) ... also capable of SHG (ex. 840 nm --> 420 nm) ***...

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Olympus Equipment

No results for Olympus Equipment