Vendors Contact Information

Vendors Contact Information

20200826: The purpose of this web page is to provide acknowledgement and contact information for our local (Baltimore, mid-atlantic) vendors. We are happy to add to and correct listings. We do not claim completeness.

Thanks to all our vendors!

Our instruments are summarized at

Yes, I realize this is not in alphabetical order. My apology that our web site does not display every head shot with the correct aspect ratio - I recommend you see each representative's linkedin web page for better displayed photo and info. 

Special thanks to John Gibas, consultant (and the previous image core manager). 

Olympus America Inc

Bo Faust, PhD, Confocal and Multi Photon Sales Representative,

Lauren Robertson, Microscope Sales Representative, Scientific Solutions Group, Olympus Corporation of the Americas, Customer Service: 800-225-8330, Phone: 704-877-8801,


Jason Brenner, Regional Manager,


Leica Microsystems (part of Danaher Corp.).

Paula Maguire, PhD, Confocal Sales Specialist,

Sarah Crowe, Confocal Applications Specialist, ... 2021 now Manager, Advanced Workflow Specialist Teams at Leica Microsystems

Jessica Calafati, Regional Sales Manager, Mid-Atlantic,

Peter Franklin, Account Manager (sales),

Geoff Daniels, Manager, Confocal Business Development,

Leica representatives 2021
Paula Maguire, PhD Sarah Crowe Jessica Calafati Peter Franklin Geoff Daniels
Peter Franklin


Stan Midy, confocal sales,

Andrew Ziman, PhD, Advanced Imaging Specialist,   , Mobile: (301)219-6853

Jesse DeWitt, Advanced BioSystems Specialist,      , Mobile: (443)465-1317

Nikon representatives 2021
Stan Midy Andrew Ziman Jesse DeWitt


Jennifer Malloy, Account Manager, ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions, 

Alma Arnold



Erich E. Zeiss | Global Senior Sales Manager - Microscopy,

Erich Zeiss


Butch Granada, Southeast Regional Sales,

butch Granada

Baltimore Precision Instruments (BaltPI does service/preventive maintenance on many microscopes, sells microscopes and parts, also has a machine shop)

Gregory M. Kilduff (Greg), President, greg <>


Bunton Instrument Co., Inc.

James G. Averill (Jim), Owner,,


Voxyl Microscope

Tom Moyer, owner, 

Keyence Corp. of America

Ryan Parent, (sales) Application Specialist, Micro Analysis Group,


TOKAI HIT USA INC. (microscope incubators)

Kodai Miyazaki (Zaki), Sales & Support – America,


Oko-Lab (microscope incubators)

Luca Lanzaro, President (Italy),



Michael Lipton, East Coast Research Sales Engineer, 


AVR Optics (Semrock filters distributor, also bbluebox Optics distributor)

Peter Brunt, V.P. Sales, 


Lightform Inc (PARISS imaging spectrometer - we are not [yet] a customer - interesting potential for "21plex" or more immunofluorescence multiplex imaging)

Jeremy Lerner, President, 


Molecular Devices (we are MetaMorph customer) (Molecular Devices is part of Danaher Corp).

Neal Gliksman, Senior Application Scientist, MetaMorph Imaging System, 

Robert Moody (Robb), Drug discovery Sales (high content screening),


Phitonex (40+ plex fluorophores for antibody labeling as of 12/2020 ... acquired by ThermoFisher 1/2021)

Mike Stadnisky, CEO,


alphathera (covalent crosslinking fluorophore-protein-Z to antibody - spin-out of Andrew Tsourkas lab,UPenn, DOI: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.5b00275 )

Feifan Yu, Support at AlphaThera, 


BMG Lab Tech (multi-mode microplate readers - aka SBS plate readers)

Beth Hutcheson, IMGEN Technologies  (distributor),

Cameron.Schweitzer, BMG local representative,


BioTek Agilent  (multi-mode microplate readers - aka SBS plate readers)

Karen Tressler, sales,


BioLegend (Brilliant Violet and other fluorescent antibodies, DNA-oligo-antibodies [re: DNA-PAINT super-resolution fluorescence microscopy)

Josh Croteau, regional sales, 


ThorLabs (imaging division) (custom confocal, multiphoton microscopes, lots of accessories)

Sam Tesfai, Genteral Manager, imaging division, 

Sam Tesfai


Gary Brooker 

Gary Brooker, PhD

Same spinning disk microscope, two different detection paths: left conventional path, right confocal * FINCH ("CINCH) FINCH = Fresnel incoherence holography   (top row, downloaded 20210831)

Gary Brooker SD Confocal  


MetaMorph Key 1 (#34135)

MetaMorph Key 1 is license #34135. Ross 9th floor users: If your preferred Windows PC does not have this license installed,...

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Zeiss Axio Observer.A1 Inverted Microscope (S972) Use iLab

Zeiss Axio Observer.A1 Inverted Microscope in Ross S972 has an Olympus DP80 RGB color + monochrome camera, capable of both RGB...

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MetaMorph Key 3 (#34334)

MetaMorph Key 3 is license #34334. Ross 9th floor users: If your preferred Windows PC does not have this license installed,...

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PTI-QuantMaster 1

PTI QuantMaster name is missing an "a", really PTI QuantaMaster spectrofluorimeter. We are sticking with QuantMaster 1 and...

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. Olympus FV3000RS Confocal Microscope_part2

20220614U - started Olympus FV3000RS Confocal Microscope_part2 because of web site limitation prevented adding more content to...

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