FISHscope Quick Tips

FISHscope Quick Tips - started 20220712U - startup / use / finish steps probably will be edited (and then further edited) in future.

FISHscope is our widefield fluorescence microscope that can acquire high quality 7plex in "one click" (one mouse click in cellSens software), Penta Cube (#1-5 below) plus optionally 2 more filter cubes if needed (AF610, AF700) - no incubator so room temperature only (you are welcome to buy us an incubator):

1. DAPI (or similar, i.e. Hoechst, BV421, etc)

2. Alexa Fluor 488 (AausFP1 GFP, mStayGold2 GFP, fluorescein etc)

3. Alexa Fluor 555 / Alexa Fluor 568 etc (orange fluorescence)

4. Alexa Fluor 647 (Cy5 etc)

5. Alexa Fluor 750 (Cy7 etc) -- note: FISHscope acquires AF750 much better than our FV3000RS or Leica SP8 confocal microscope or your equivalent point scanning (JHU MicFac now has a SoRa CSU-X1 spinning disk confocal - I am curious to see how well it works on the same AF750 specimens).

6. Alexa Fluor 610 (which is much brighter in solution than Texas Red or Alexa Fluor 594 - see links on my McTips page and/or read Maillard et al 2020 Chem Sci).

7. Alexa Fluor 700

Note (more details below and on FISHscope main page): lamp is 8 channels, two Reflection/Transmission cubes are available, 10 position emission filter wheel, so capable of many more plex (cellSens "Process Manager" has a limit of 20 in its list). 

Brightfield: doable, but would require I set up hardware and Process manager configuration for you: much simpler if you use the Zeiss inverted microscope or Keyence (latter requires you learn and do correctly removing and reinstalling one of the filter cubes). 


RNA FISH Probe Sets Reagent Costs (estimates)


RNA FISH Probe Sets Reagent Costs (estimates)

vendors and users are welcome to contact me with corrections.

Reagents table
Vendor (or Prof.) Product Cost per slide Comment
ACDBio/Biotechne   RNAscope version1 ~$15 branched DNA (bDNA) pair with amplifiers
ACDBio/Biotechne   RNAscope version1 ~$25 bDNA -> tyramide signal amplification (TSA)
LGC Biosearch STELLARIS smFISH   ~$7 48 oligos, fluorophores similar to Cy3, Cy5, Cy5.5, Cy7
Molecular Instruments HCR version3(?)         $4.60 Hybridization Chain Reaction (HCR)
Prof. Bin Wu, JHU Wu lab smFISH ~$1*  

20241206H: GM went to Molecular Instruments web site, created login (JHU academic) and set up an order ... $4.60 per slide (prorated to 100 slides, with academic discount).  Web page: "reflects a discount of $257.40 off the list price of $874.50". From

* Bin Wu lab (former supervisor at JHU Ross Image Core before G.I. Division's funding went down because NIDDK P30 Center grant was not renewed) - academic pricing not comparable with for profit companies. (48 or 96 oligos, in lab labeling with fluorescent dyes purchased at bulk discount and ignoring aliquoting, storage, pipetting etc costs; designed oligos with PCR handles to amplify in lab instead of re-order from IDT-DNA). Fairly similar to LGC Biosearch approach (licensed patent or patents from academic institution that employed Tyagi, Arjun Raj et al). 

Note: any high quality widefield fluorescence microscope with scientific sCMOS camera will outperform a point scanning confocal microscope for an of these RNA FISH reagents, because faster and excellent sensitivity. In Ross Bldg I manage FISHscope ($10/hr). Should be a bunch of similar microscopes on campus (Bin Wu has several). One of Bin’s last experiments as a postdoc as they transitioned to faculty here was imaging single mRNA molecules in live neurons in (a) live mice, (MS7 or  PP7 stem-loop repeats on the RNA with GFP-appropriate RNA binding protein).

GM since mid-2024 has been emphasizing that moderate resolution (20x/0.75NA; 40x/0.95NA) and high resolution (essentially all standard oil [R.I. 1.518] and Silicone oil [R.I. 1.405] immersion objective lens experiments should use a #1.5H high precision coverglass (170 um +/- 5 um). Coverglasses can be ordered from several vendors (most probably are sourced from Marienfeld Germany) -- best to check prices to avoid paying outrageous prices (its just glass, albeit high precision); Mattek ("0.170") and ibidi ($1.5H) sell 35mm imaging dishes with this coverglass. A couple of additional points: (i) wrong coverglass thickness will result in optical aberrations which will -- to use a highly technical phrase -- "mess up" your image resolution and brightness and potentially parfocality (blue and red may focus to different Z-planes); (ii) #00 coverglass ~70um; #0 ~100um, #1 ~130um, so if you need the extra working distance, go ahead and use one that is appropriate for that need.



Filter sets


* Semrock LED-DA/FY/TR/Cy5/Cy7 ... DAPI, Fluorescein (Alexa Fluor 488), TRITC (not Cy3, not Alexa Fluor 610), Cy5 (Alexa Fluor 647), Cy7 (Alexa Fluor 750 ... often superior to IRDye800)

* Semrock AF700 ... new (12/2022) Alexa Fluor 700 filter cube

* LED-mCherry ... Alexa Fluor 610 (AF610) (and mCherry, Texas Red, Alexa Fluor 594, etc) ... move from FV3000RS (since Redundant with TRITC cube "orange" fluorescence for looking by eye)

* R10T90 (R10/T90) and R03/T97) reflection/transmission beamsplitters in cubes ... flexible choice of Lumencor SPECTRA III-360 lamp channels and emission filters in Sutter wheel.

LEDs and laser lines

Brightfield multichannel imaging including RGB


FISHscope has a monochrome camera (Hamamatus ORCA-FLASH4.0LT), can acquire brightfield images with any, some or all of the 10 emission filters (Sutter 10-3 weheel) and colorize them (cellSens LUTs = lookup tables ... or colorize in Adobe Photoshop, fiji ImageJ, MetaMorph, etc).

GM reconfigured the cellSens hardware tryy (the underlying settings for Process Manager) to add brightfield settings for EACH of the TEN emission filter wheels, 395-809 nm.

Filter        Range

392/23    381 - 403
447/60    417 - 477
515/30    500 - 530
559/34    542 - 576
572/15    565 - 579
598/25    586 - 610
640/40    620 - 660
685/40    665 - 705
732/68    698 - 766
809/81    769 - 849

* ranges: low values are rounded up, high values are rounded down. For example 392/23 is 381 - 403 instead of 380.5 - 403.5.



Stage Tiling (and auto-stitching) with cellSens MIA


FISHscope quick tip 02 - simple tile scan using MIA - George McNamara 20230630F

instructions: read all the instructions.
slide: clean slide, flat, coverglass side down.

You may need to specify an Overview Area (some or most of slide).Do this with low power objective lens (large working distancefor safety).

1. Stage Navigator - Position list (2nd icon from right): Delete any pre-existing positions.
2. Process Manager - turn on XY-Positions/MIA icon (3rd of 5 icons above Channels list).
3. Stage Navigator - Create MIA Scanning Area with Stage (5th icon from left) DROP DOWN LIST: Define MIA Scanning Area with Stage
  use Rectange with Stage Position this is top left and bottom right corners)
   a. activate the item using the drop down list (2nd itemin menu) ... image goes LIvE.
   b. Move to top left of your MIA area ... Press "Next" to confirm position.
   c. Move to bottom right of your MIA scanning area ... Press "Finish" to confirm the position.
4. turn off live.
5. double check that Z-stack, other unwanted settings inProcess Manager are NOT selected (or are selected with approporiateranges).
6. Process Manager - Start acquisition.

Note: if acquiring multiple channels, you may be able to acquire faster by acquring one channel at a time, saving, then acquiring next channel, saving, etc (ex. red, then green, then blue).
Note: most histology dyes have "little or no absorbance" in the near infrared, so you may find 809_81m emission filter of interest.

Expectations: have LITTLE OR NO Expectations on the quality of the stitching = do not expect seamless tiles.

10x lens pixel size 648nm.
20x lens pixel size 324nm.
60x lens pixel size 108nm.


FISHscope main page is 

Keep the PC on - just login, logout.

Get training from George - get retraining from George if you do not remember what to do - better to get retraining than to break our microscope (you might have to buy us a new one out of your own pocket, FISHscope was ~$95,000). Note; dynamic range of camera is much greater than your eyes, so use "Adjust Contrast" as needed to see your data (more info duringtraining). 




Reminder: No USB devices on our microscope PCs. Use your JH OneDrive or for external users, your personal/company OneDrive (do NOT use other online storage sites, per JHU I.t. policy for employees, also applies to visitors). JHU users normally log in using the local PC login, not WIN domain, so lack access to your "H:" drive - this is not a big deal because your JH OneDrive has 5TB capacity (and you can contact I.T. for more space). You can discuss with your P.I. and I.T. about making space on your PC or your lab file server andshare it in a way that lets you access from our FISHscope PC. We have a file server - it is for us, not you - please do not leave data for more than one week on our file server -- you and your P.I. are responsible for your data at all times, and NIH and other funders could censure you and your P.I. for failure to archive your data properly. Not our responsbility. 


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